Heather Alderman


Nationality: English

Taking care of the creative side of things at Terra Firma.

Heather Alderman


With many years design and art direction experience under my belt, working with agencies from London to far-flung Australia on creative projects from PR to Publishing companies, I’ve been fortunate to continue working in such a varied role with the team at TFA.

As the agency’s Graphic Designer / Art Director, my job is to take care of the creative side of things, from initial concept work through to the final artworking stages. Brochure work, online graphics and large advertising campaigns across multiple countries all have to be delivered on time – whichever time zone that happens to be. (And whichever language that happens to be!) This is all done whilst listening to our clients and being flexible to their needs, engaging with our audience and without compromising on quality.

Working with an international agency is as diverse as you would imagine; the projects that we work on, the clients that we build relationships with, the TFA team. It’s a major part of who we are and that’s what keeps us fresh.


terra firma [fur-mah] firm or solid earth; known terrain